The 7:01 February 15, 2003, Ms6.2 earthquake that hit Masbate has numerous foreshocks and aftershocks. The main shock was preceded by a moderately strong foreshock with a magnitude of Ms5.2 located at 12.2ºN and 123.7ºE with a depth of 30 km (Figure 5a). The moment tensor solution indicates strike-slip faulting with strike=55, dip=78, slip= -175 with Mo=5.3x 1017 Nm equivalent to a seismic moment magnitude Mw 5.8 (Figure 5b). This foreshock was felt over a wide region at the following PEIS intensities:
Intensity VI |
Dimasalang, Masbate Palanas, Masbate Magcaraguit Island, Dimasalang, Masbate Deagan Island, Dimasalang, Masbate Uson, Masbate |
Intensity V |
Masbate City, Masbate Batuan, Masbate Burgos, Masbate |
Intensity IV |
Baleno, Masbate Aroroy, Masbate Legazpi City, Bicol Talisay, Masbate |
Intensity III |
Milagros, Masbate San Jacinto, Masbate Borabantique, Masbate Kumawit, Monreal, Masbate Palo, Leyte Bulusan, Sorsogon Mandaue City, Cebu |
Intensity II |
New Washington, Aklan |
Intensity I |
Mandaon, Masbate |
Intensity surveys revealed that this foreshock was notably strong and caused damages in the epicentral area. Some residents of affected structures straddling the fault in the municipality of Palanas, Masbate reported that their houses were damaged by the foreshock manifested by visible cracks on walls and floors and as fissures in fields and gardens. In Brgy. Sta. Cruz, Palanas, the road was reportedly fissured during this foreshock. According to interviewees, the same fissures later became wider and larger during the Ms6.2 7:01 pm earthquake. In the island of Magcaraguit, Dimasalang, the non-reinforced walls of a chapel collapsed. In Deagan, people and animals panicked during this earthquake. In Deagan island, Dimasalang, interviewees described the booming sound they heard preceding the quake to be very strong and "as if its origin is just there". In Uson, Masbate, many appliances like televisions and cabinets toppled down during the shaking that accompanied the foreshock, which prompted the residents to bolt their appliances to the wall in preparation of the eventuality of another earthquake.

Figure 5a. Map showing the location of the largest foreshock that occured 5 hours before the main event. Solid circles are the plotted foreshock events.
As of February 24, 2003, a total of 187 aftershocks were recorded in Masbate Seismic Station (MMP). Some of these aftershocks were felt at intensity II or III along the ground rupture area, in the islands Deagan and Magcaraguit, and as far as the southern part of Ticao Island. A strong aftershock was felt in Magcaraguit and Deagan islands and in Dimasalang and Palanas on February 18, 2003 at Intensity IV. Some of the moderately strong aftershocks were recorded in other permanent PHIVOLCS seismic stations and hypocentral parameters were located. Preliminary determination indicated that these aftershocks are located 15-40 km southeast of Masbate City. This implied the continuous activities along the Philippine Fault that ruptured in the southeast portion of the Masbate Island in the vicinity of Dimasalang and Palanas. Table 1 shows the list of aftershocks plotted in Figure 5.
In Magcaraguit and Deagan Islands of the municipality of Dimasalang, residents reported an average of 2 felt aftershocks everyday. In these islands and in places near the ground rupture, aftershock events were observed to be always preceded by rumbling sounds that vary in intensity depending on the size of the event (e.g. louder booming sounds preceded bigger aftershocks). In Ticao Island, reports regarding felt aftershocks were in lesser frequency but were likewise preceded by booming or truck-like sounds. Please see Figure 5 for the location of aftershock events with resolved epicenters.
In order to detect aftershocks that are very local to the Masbate region and beyond the detection capability of the existing nearby PHIVOLCS permanent stations, a total of two temporary short-period seismographs were installed in the area. One of these instruments was installed
in Cataingan, Masbate (N12º00’10.1"; E123º59’53.9’’) that operated from l9-24 February 2003. The other station was placed in Batuan Poblacion, Batuan, Masbate in Ticao Island (N12º25.33’00"; E123º46.765') and operated from 20-24 February 2003. Cataingan station (CAT) is near the southern termination of the rupture while Batuan station (BAT) is located near the projected extension of the fault southwest of Ticao Island (Figure 6). From 22-23 February, CAT station recorded 5 events while the BAT station recorded 20 quakes. During this very short period of observation, it was noted that more earthquakes were recorded to the north of the mapped rupture. The location of the plotted earthquakes and the results of the installation of the temporary network showed that possible adjustments of the fault were confined along the observed ground rupture and extend up to the possible offshore extension of the said ground rupture, west of Ticao Island.

Figure 6. Map showing the location of CAT and BAT stations. These were temporary stations installed during the QRT investigation.
Considering the magnitude of the 15 February 2003 quake, the felt aftershocks were anticipated to be observed up to about a month after the mainshock. Thus, everyone was advised to take proper precautions especially when entering buildings and houses that suffered minor to severe damages.