REDAS (Rapid Earthquake Damage Assessment System) is a software developed by PHIVOLCS in 2002 under a DOST GIA Project. The software can simulate earthquake hazards such as ground shaking, liquefaction, landslides and tsunami. The software can also compute earthquake impacts in terms of physical damage, casualties and economic loss. Although REDAS was originally conceived for use in earthquake hazard and impact assessment, other multi-hazard maps including hydrometeorological hazards such as floods, storm surge and rain-induced landslides are already incorporated into the software and can likewise be displayed by users. Participants are also taught how to develop their own exposure database using android application. REDAS was developed by PHIVOLCS and is now being shared to local government units as a tool for emergency preparedness, contingency planning and more importantly for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into the local development planning process.
Impact assessment modules namely SWIFT and FLOAT, which PHIVOLCS co-developed with PAGASA and MGB are built-in in REDAS, too. SWIFT (Severe Wind Impact Forecasting Tool) deals with impact estimation from severe wind hazard while the Flood Loss Assessment Tool FLOAT) module deals with losses from floods. In addition, we have also recently developed the Tsunami Simulation and Impact Assessment Module (TsuSIM) which can estimate tsunami impacts and the Crop Damage Assessment Tool (CropDAT) which can estimate agricultural damages due to severe wind and flood hazards.
REDAS also has a module on Earthquake and Tsunami Alerting Module (ETAM) where users can obtain earthquake information in near-real time. ETAM is especially useful for those with Operations Centers. Another android application is the Tool for Seismic Intensity Reporting (ToSIR) where anyone can report intensity reports to PHIVOLCS as they feel it. The data allows PHIVOLCS to verify ground shaking simulation results.
Seventy-One (71) provinces, 21 cities/municipalities, 30 state universities and colleges (SUCs), 67 private companies, 10 non-government organizations and five government institutions had been trained on the use of the REDAS software. The software and training are free. Interested parties need to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with PHIVOLCS in order to avail of the software and training.
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