Continuity of Essential Services
Along with the implementation of the Luzon-wide Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) on 16 March 2020, PHIVOLCS adapted a skeletal workforce and Work-From- Home (WFH) arrangements. The Office of the Director released the guidelines on the implementation of the alternative work arrangements to ensure unimpeded delivery of the agency’s essential services and accomplishment of target outputs. The Volcano Monitoring and Eruption Prediction Division (VMEPD), and Seismological Observation and Earthquake Prediction Division (SOEPD) continued their 24/7 monitoring on a rotational basis. Staff who are immunocompromised, or with pre-existing health conditions, and senior citizens were exempted from reporting to the office and alternatively worked from home.

VMEPD on continuous monitoring of the active volcanoes
Some staff of the Finance and Administrative Division (FAD) also reported to office to provide administrative support. The reporting FAD personnel supervised the procurement and distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), workplace sanitation and safety, payroll processing, and provision of transportation services and overnight accommodation to duty personnel. Meanwhile, PHIVOLCS walk-in services such as hazard assessments, lectures and educational tours, exhibit packages, earthquake simulator use, and research-related assistance were temporarily suspended in compliance with the government's social distancing measures against COVID-19. Nevertheless, information materials on geologic disaster awareness and preparedness, volcano bulletins, and earthquake information remain updated and available in the PHIVOLCS website and official social media accounts.

SOEPD on a 24/7 watch for seismic events
COVID-19 Countermeasures
PHIVOLCS has since implemented stringent countermeasures within the Main Office to ensure the staff’s health and safety from the spread of COVID-19. Before the first week of the skeletal workforce arrangement, the building was misted and disinfected, and hand sanitizers were distributed throughout the rooms and important areas of the building. The office has also tightened security by restricting visitors from going beyond the lobby. Gang chairs, queue areas, and the elevator were marked with proper social distancing markers in case of crowding. Countermeasures include a No Mask, No Entry policy, thermal scanning, hand sanitizing, and a footbath before entry.

Screening employees and visitors before entry