The Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (DOST-PHIVOLCS), the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), and the World Bank conducted the “PlanSmart Ready to Rebuild Training of Trainers,” a 3-day training program, from September 28-30, 2022.
Ninety participants coming from regional offices of the OCD, DOST, and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), attended the training course designed to equip the technical staff and representatives in gathering and assessing baseline data and formulating Rehabilitation and Recovery Plans using the PlanSmart web application for efficient and science-based programming and planning to combat disasters, of which, will be implemented in their own respective local government units later on.
The training commenced with opening messages from Dr. Teresito C. Bacolcol, Officer-in-Charge of DOST-PHIVOLCS, Ms. Marilyn Tolosa-Martinez, Senior DRM Specialist of the World Bank, and Dir. Harold N. Cabreros of Office of Civil Defense Rehabilitation and Recovery Management Service followed by the Introduction to Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery by Ms. Margarita Songco, World Bank Disaster Risk Management Senior Consultant. DOST Secretary Renato U. Solidum, Jr. also gave his talk on the Introduction to PlanSmart Ready to Rebuild which showcased the web application’s features that are useful in formulating rehabilitation and recovery plans. The second half focused on lectures about Building Typology and the GeoriskPH Integrated Platform (GRIP). These included demonstrations and hands-on exercises on navigating GeoMapperPH which involved account registration, and creation, editing, and management of data.
Day 2 started with the topics on Identifying Priority Programs and Activities (PPAs) and understanding the DRR Framework presented by Ms. Margarita Songco, Ms. Vilma Cabrera from the World Bank, and Ms. Mabelline Cahulogan of DOST-PHIVOLCS. Further hands-on activities using GeoAnalyticsPH, GeoMapperPH, and PlanSmart were also provided to familiarize the trainees in generating summary hazard assessments and analytics, Land Use Mapping, and inputting pre- and post- disaster data.
The training culminated with lectures on Financing and Investment Requirements and Institutional Arrangements facilitated by Mr. John Aries Macaspac from the Department of Budget and Management, Ms. Fides Borja of the World Bank, and Mr. Austere Panadero from the Zuellig Family Foundation. Participants then took part in the Design Thinking Activity wherein areas for improvement, additional features and proposed solutions for both the PlanSmart web application and training program were gathered to help improve succeeding roll-out training programs. Data generated from all conducted group works were also reported at the end of the session. The training concluded with closing remarks from Mr. Ben Salvador, Jr., Office of Civil Defense Acting Division Chief.
The training workshop envisions to empower regional offices to capacitate LGUs in their regions on the use of the PlanSmart Ready to Rebuild Application. They will serve as coaches in Regional Trainings that will start this November.